
We see surf as you do. But surf it’s a very volatile sport, depending on so many factors like ocean conditions, surfer conditions, if your surf gear fits the waves on a specific day, plus the weather, the crowd, if your familiar with the spot you’re surfing or not, and the list goes on… Because of that, we understand that you don’t like Van der Waal at the first sight. If that is the case, just try it some more times. If not, well, you can always ask for a refund and get your money back.

Ask for a refund

Please read our Refund policy bellow and return your items to:

Van der Waal
Rua Academia Rec Santo Amaro 10 1esq
1300-001 Lisbon, Portugal

Note that in case of Grip Levels complains we will ask for a picture of your surfboard with Van der Waal applied in order to check if everything was properly applied.

van der waal surf grip history

Take a note

Refund policy

  • Items purchased online can be returned within 60 days of delivery date.
  • Items can be used or unused. If the item you are returning is used, please peel it of the board as shown here and stick it all together. When received we will take care of recicle it.
  • Custom packs are also eligible for returns
  • Items don’t have be returned on original box
  • Items purchased at a 3rd party or re-seller are subject to their return policy.
  • Refunds will be processed once the item arrives at our offices
  • Shipping fees will not be returned
  • If you are planning to order or ordered more than 1 item, please note that we really want you to test our product before you equip all your quiver, so in orders with more than 1 pack, please test it first in one board, if you like it, go ahead and equip all boards. Remember that we only refund the entire order if other packs are not used and are returned to us as explained above.